In this example, we populate the Typeahead component with a larger batch of results and customize the onSelected behavior to always go to the search results page when selecting an item.

Unlike the other demo, only perfect matches will allow you to submit (via the submit button) or select a result.

For example, manually selecting or entering Case Management in the input field will allow you to submit via hitting enter or clicking on the search icon. However, entering in Case Management2 instead would not submit.

{% include "@bolt-components-form/form.twig" with {
  children: include("@bolt-components-typeahead/typeahead.twig", {
    attributes: {
      class: [
    max_results: 5,
  attributes: {
    action: "",
    target: "_blank",
    method: "GET"
} %}

// NOTE: make sure you're running this code through a tool like Babel before shipping for cross browser compatibility!
const typeahead = document.querySelector('.js-typeahead-hook');

const items = [
    label: 'AI and improving the customer experience',
      '“Artificial intelligence” (AI) presents both distracting hype and powerful opportunities to drive customer engagement.',
    url: '',
      'Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms 2019',
      'Pega was cited as a Visionary in Gartner’s new 2019 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms.',
    label: 'Pega Data & Integrations',
      "Take full advantage of integration opportunities with Pega's open architecture, allowing you to build applications faster and meet the increasing demands of your business.",
    url: '',
    label: 'Digital Customer Experiences',
      'Deliver engaging digital customer experiences anywhere, anytime, with unique designs for your business right out of the box.',
    label: 'DevOps and Testing',
      "Continuous integration and deployment. Continuous evolution. With one-click DevOps, you'll break barriers to delivery – and leapfrog competitors – by empowering business teams to…",
    url: '',
    label: 'Pega Onboarding',
      'Intelligent work automation dramatically cuts time to revenue while ensuring compliance with global and local regulations, whether you are onboarding new clients, adding products…',
    url: '',
    label: 'Case Management',
      'Pega BPM and case management solutions allow you to build and manage enterprise-level strategic applications that can communicate with legacy systems.',
    url: '',
    label: 'Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant',
      "Across all channels, Pega's Intelligent Virtual Assistant engages users where they are and gives them experiences based on context, not just auto-responses.",

const setupEventHandlers = () => {
  typeahead.items = items;
  typeahead.on('onSelected', (element, event, suggestion) => {
    const itemSelected = element.items.filter(
      item => item.label === suggestion.suggestionValue,

    if (itemSelected) {
      if (itemSelected.label) {
        if (window.location !== window.parent.location) {
          // const win =`${itemSelected.url}`, '_blank');
          const win =
        } else {
          window.location = `${itemSelected.label}`;

if (typeahead) {
  if (typeahead) {
    if (typeahead._wasInitiallyRendered) {

    typeahead.addEventListener('ready', e => {
      if ( === 'bolt-typeahead') {